Rentals, Apartments, AshiRo, online, free

Rentals & Leases - Apartment, House, Shop, Office, Vacation Home, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I advertise my rental property?
Click on Add Property on top left menu or from home page. Returning users please login by entering username and password that were created during first time registration. If you have not registered in past on this website then please first register on this website. Click here to register. After successfully login (or after registration) an empty form will be shown on the screen. Fill-up the form and save the information. More the information you include for the property, there is better chance that the prospective tenant would develop interest to know more about the property. You can upload one property icon and five other pictures showing inside and one outside view of the property. Accepted picture file formats are jpg, gif, png, bmp. You may use standard application form or upload a form that applies in your area. By placing a form on your advertisement details page, tenants will be able to download and bring filled-in form when they make a decision to rent or lease the property.

What rental properties can be listed here?
Autgorised agents, Landlords, Property Investors can easily advertise following types of rental properties.

  • Residentials like: House, Condo, Apartment, Multiunit, Old Age Living, Basement, Townhouse, Bungalow, Mobile Home
  • Commercials like: Office, Shop, Industrial, Retail, Hall-Lodge, Farm, Storage, etc.

Who should advertise rental properties here?
Anyone who is authorised to rent the property can advertise their or their client's rental property here. You may be a landlord or property owner or rental property manager or rental property agent, you can register and advertise one or more rental properties here.

Why should I advertise rental properties here when I have already advertised somewhere else?
By advertising at, you can take advantage of the wonderful perks that come with digital media, like instant access, freely updating and editing your ads, and results tracking. What’s more is you can instantly track which ads are working, how many people are seeing them, where they’re seeing them. With that kind of information at your fingertips, you can optimize your ads instantly if, they are not performing as well as you would like instead of waiting until end of month sales reports tell you if, your newspaper ad was working or not. Remember that when you do not advertise, you are potentially passing your existing customers over to your competitor who does advertise. You never know when and where the customer will find your place.


  • Running online ads gets your brand name in front of your online prospects 24 hours daily and at fraction of advertising cost compared to other non-online medias.
  • Your audience is here: This site receives rich quality traffic. Majority of new and returning visitors are searching for rental places here.
  • Free one rental advertisement: With free account you can publish one rental property at no cost. Later you can upgrade to business account and advertise unlimited rental properties until those rented.
  • Excellent search functionality: With its excellent search functionality, tenants are able to find their dream home here.
  • Site is extensively visible on social media: This site is visible at some of the most popular social media sites. Therefore, your advertisement gets good exposure.
  • Site offer alert service for tenants: When you advertise rental place here prospective subscribers, who have subscribed for alert service, are alerted for your rental place.
  • Your contact information is visible to prospective tenants: Today, prospective tenants extensively use internet for locating their dream home. When they see contact information of most likeable rental place then there is a most likely chance that an advertiser will receive direct inquiry and/or message from prospective tenants. Thereby resulting in saving time and money.
How it Works?
#1 You add your rental property information #2 We tell world about your rental property #3 You get inquires & reviews
Add your rental property details, photos and policies after your registration. You set your property live and can start receiving enquiries. We show your rental property in a way that is relevant to prospective tenants. We also market your property online to help you sell more and increase revenue! Customers leave reviews on your property which help your future tenants make the decision to stay with you.

I am in property renting business. What account plan should I choose during registration?
You can choose Business plan during registration. You can also register with free plan and later upgrade to business plan. Business plan is a chargeable service and with it, you can advertise more than one rental properties as long as you want. Please note with a free subscription you can advertise only one property.

How can I make my rental property more marketable?
After having a property ready for the rent, advertise property here on this website. You may buy "Premiums" inside your account and apply on advertised property to make it more marketable. Premium properties always appear on top when people search properties here.
Picture is worth a thousands words. You can upload one property icon and five other pictures showing inside and one outside view of the property.
Always provide multiple contact options such as telephone, cellphone, email etc. Let the tenant decide what communication method is best for them. Also, it is good to enter name of the contact person rather than some job title on the advertisement. Tenant who liked your place should immediately see your contact information on property details page. At, we understand your business. So, your property contact information is never kept hidden from your prospective tenants unless you choose to do so.

I am a property owner. Should I buy property insurance policy?
Purchasing rental property insurance is one of the most important step to take before renting your home. In addition to the things covered in a typical homeowner’s policy, landlord insurance will protect you from major damage done by tenants, as well as from legal actions they may take against you. Be aware, though, that rental property insurance will not cover your tenant’s personal property—they’ll need to purchase rental insurance to cover their belongings.

Where can I get lease agreement?
A real estate lawyer can help ensure that your lease agreement does not contain any illegal provisions, while also protecting you from the financial harm that could result from tenants exploiting loopholes in your agreement. A good lease agreement will specify the ways tenants can and cannot use the property, how many people can occupy the rental, what insurance is required, who is responsible for paying utilities, and what will happen if the tenant doesn’t uphold his or her obligations.

Should I get my property inspected before tenant moves in?
Having your property inspected by a professional will help you fix any critical maintenance issues before your tenant moves in. This will help protect you from potential legal issues, while also saving you from having to answer multiple maintenance phone calls within the first few weeks of renting your property. Having home inspections both before a tenant moves in and after he or she moves out will also provide third-party documentation of any damage caused by the tenant.

What are common repairs for a rental property?
    What condition do you want to rent a property?: Replace a carpet or hardwood flooring. If not then have a professional carpet cleaner clean the carpets before showing the property.
    Upgrade kitchen and appliances: Kitchen is most widely used and high traffic area. Your tenants may like to cook often and eat near kitchen area so it is good to upgrade sink, kitchen stove and counter.
    Unclog kitchen, bath, shower and basement drainage: Replace sink traps, shower heads, and use drainage cleaning tools and liquid cleaner to remove any clogs in sinks and bath tubs.
    Clean, Paint, and Landscape: There’s no substitute for a through deep cleaning and a fresh coat of paint when it comes to brightening the interior of your rental home. While trendy upgrades may be optional, if you want to attract the most qualified tenants, this basic rental hygiene is required. Likewise, it’s important to make sure that the lawn and garden surrounding your rental house is neat and tidy before you post the "For Rent" sign.

How can I advertise my business or products or services on this website?
Your business banner can be advertised on this website. You can choose to advertise on home page (first page) and other pages. Please click here and contact us for further details.

What is Subscribe Alert?
Subscribe Alert is free service for people who are actively looking for a rental place. Avail alert service by filling-in a small form. Go to home page (first page) and click on Subscribe Alert button and submit alert form with information. It may be good to subscribe for more than one alerts with different criteria. This service is free. You may create more than one alerts by submitting forms with different criteria.

What you should know about rental agreements
A rental agreement, or lease, is a contract between a landlord and a tenant. The landlord grants the tenant the right to occupy a rental unit. In return the tenant commits to paying rent. The contract may also include other terms or rules. When you sign a rental agreement, you're agreeing to respect those terms or rules.
A written rental agreement is an official record of what you and the landlord have agreed to. If there's a dispute later, the rental agreement may help to settle it.
If this is your first time renting, your landlord may ask for a guarantor. This is someone who agrees to pay the rent if you can’t. If you need a guarantor, the landlord will have them sign an agreement that describes their responsibilities.

    What your rental agreement includes
  • The landlord’s and tenant’s names, addresses and contact information
  • The rental term, the length of time you agree to stay in the rental unit before ending your rental agreement
  • The monthly rent amount
  • The date you must pay rent
  • Services, such as electricity or parking
  • Any separate charges
  • The conditions for the termination of a rental agreement
  • When the landlord can increase the rent and by how much
  • The deposit amount and any conditions
  • The rules that the landlord requires all tenants to follow

Steps to Write a Rental Ad That Works
Before you begin you need to complete your market research. You have to know what your competitors are charging, featuring and saying. You also need to have a sense of who will want to rent in your area and why.

  • Know who you are targeting with your rental ad.
  • Explain what they are getting with the home.
  • Post eye cathcing pictures of your property and surrounding your property.
  • Create short but powerful headline that would grab attention of prospect in first instant.

* We value our customers and customers can email us for any technical issue they faced in using this website. Step-by-step instructions, info, and faq are available for using various features.

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